Welcome to my Nerf Gun's website!

Once it's completed I'll add links to the code that I used to to build it

Here's what I plan to include in my nerf mod:

Here is my current twitter code, and it's output.

#Create a https://dev.twitter.com/ account, to get info to put in here, to tweet with application to twitter
import tweepy, time, sys

#enter the corresponding information from your Twitter application:
CONSUMER_KEY = 'TeT2ZgMGxGOnadvLpLfSyDoID'#keep the quotes, replace this with your consumer key
CONSUMER_SECRET = 'Qozo9T3Ml5eaOfYujf2VOUnhEI3ErC8XA2OoHq4GqWHabas2Tl'#keep the quotes, replace this with your consumer secret key
ACCESS_KEY = '3772098436-pixnvT1elixbgvu7NAJ4pjsCgxzzHspXGaRdheo'#keep the quotes, replace this with your access token
ACCESS_SECRET = 'hukD5PIJ4krPt5cGUGy0NAzwRQPJ6w4CNt4HUkZ5zdE3z'#keep the quotes, replace this with your access token secret
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET)
auth.set_access_token(ACCESS_KEY, ACCESS_SECRET)
api = tweepy.API(auth)

api.update_status("Hello World")